Industry Terms

Precast Products

Important Industry Terminology

In this article I cover some basic industry terms to help you better understand the world of Precast Concrete.

  1. GFRC – Glass-Fiber Reinforced Concrete. GFRC has become the industry standard as it adds a significant amount of PSI to the concrete and increases each piece’s overall longevity.
  2. UHPC – Ultra-High Preformance Concrete. This kind of concrete has a PSI so high that it is described as “steel-like” and can be used in areas that are accessible to the public and need to stand up to more wear and tear. 
  3. PSI – Pound per Square Inch. PSI is a measurement of force that shows how much force one square inch of an object can take. One PSI = 6894 Pascals and .070 Atmospheres.
Precast Products

      4. Wall Cap – A piece of precast concrete that is designed to provide a                     protective top layer for any wall structure and have a unique design to               elevate the aesthetic value of the wall.

        5. Pilaster Cap – Pilaster/Column Caps are similar to wall caps in that                     they provide an extra layer of protection for any wall and also add a                    pleasing accentuation to said wall.

6. Stair Tread – A stair tread is the horizontal concrete section of the                       stair that a person walks on.

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