Lets get started
We know that sometimes the quoting process can be a little confusing so today we will go over some of the most common questions we receive while working out an estimate.
Product Information
First things first, we’ll need to know what product you are looking for, it makes it a lot easier for us if you have already looked through our website and know the name of the product you are looking for. Once you know what you want, we’ll need dimensions. Depending on the each product the necessary dimensions may be different but in general we will need the breadth, width, and length of your product before we can accurately quote your job, when you eventually speak with a salesperson they will help you find the necessary dimensions for your job.
Color Samples
Color samples are a very important part of determining what exactly your color or finish will look like when it arrives at your job site or home. We have are one of the only precast companies who allow color samples to be requested straight from our website. Head over to our Colors page where you may review all of our available colors and request color samples to be shipped to you, no calls to a salesperson necessary! We STRONGLY recommend ordering color samples before placing an order as the images on the website only do so much justice to what the actual color and finish will look like.
We also offer a color match program in the case you are replacing some older precast, in which case we will need a concrete sample to accurately match the previous color.
Once your samples ship you will receive a notification with a tracking number so you can plan for their arrival. Not only are they a great representation of our product, they also make great coasters!
Getting in Touch
You’ve ordered your color samples, you know what product you want and what the dimensons are, now what? It’s time to get in touch with one of our salespeople you can call us at 800-383-1119 and press option two for the sales department or email us at [email protected] we hope this article was helpful and we look forward to doing business with you!
I need four (4) precast concrete brick pier caps 24″x24″ x 4″ with a 3/4″ chamfer edge.
Hey Don, if you’d like to receive a quote please contact our sales team!